I was summoned for jury duty and not once does it mention on the instructions that you have to show up for two days! That is the requirement in New York and if you are assigned to a trial, you obviously have to see the trial through to the finish.
I mistakenly thought that "business casual" would be appropriate attire. There was a handful of us dressed in slacks and jackets and the rest of the crew had on Yankees jerseys or some kind of t-shirt with a slogan on it. During the Q&A portion of the instructions, most people were trying to get out of serving. One guy raised his hand and said, "Uh, I just served last August, can I serve again?" When they told him he could be dismissed he kind of sunk down in his chair and said, "But I want to do it again." They let him stay.
I have to figure out a way to make it more fun tomorrow. We can't have any food in the waiting area, but they didn't say anything about not having a dance party!!!